On Wed, Mar 29, 2006 at 06:21:15AM -0500, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings:
>  My publisher, Bill Pollock, has been gently pressuring me to commit to 
> completing the 2nd edition of The Book Of Linux Music & Sound. 
> Unfortunately I'm in a precarious position to commit myself to the work. 
> The first book nearly wiped me out, I'm not sure I can sustain the 
> effort to bring the next edition to light. Nevertheless, I'm still 
> interested in seeing this book through to completion. So I have some 
> questions for the community :
>  1. Is there a real need for another book such as the The Book Of Linux 
> Music & Sound ?

I have been missing it, and would most probably buy it.  
I would encourage you to do it.


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