On 4/3/06, carmen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > encouraging growth in an area by writing code. Now I just wish we had
> > a qt/gtk unification
> i dont think wishing one of them will go away is going to work. it seems in 
> tech spaces, there are always 2 player in a given field which benefit from 
> the borrowing/uneupmanship that goes on: google/yahoo, apple/microsoft, 
> amd/intel, gtk/qt, ie/firefox, vhs/beta->dvd+r/dvd-r->hd-dvd/bluray, etc. if 
> you want to start talking about duplicated efforts, tell me why do 
> MHWaveEdit, Audacity, Rezound, Sweep, GnuSound, Snd, Glame, and Waveforge, 
> Wavesurfer, and Xsox all exist? (meanwhile, theres no graphical OSC sequencer 
> available in GTK/QT, and the only nondestructive wave editor ive seen 
> (protux) seems abandoned and doesnt even compile (despite the concept haven 
> proven itself in the win32 world with aps like wavelab's multichannel mode, 
> ableton live, samplitude, pyramix..) anyways, i think people should be 
> encouraged, but gently told that theyre reinventing a wheel when theres a 
> warehouse of them sitting by.

I'm with you there.

> > but it would be nice to not have to translate between the two!
> what do you mean? youre constantly porting stuff back and forth between gtk 
> and

I've ported some widgets, yes, but this was more light commentary.

 qt to satisfy some sick craving? :)

You may be getting somewhere with that...

Patrick Kidd Stinson

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