> the vendor deciding no longer to make ALSA drivers next week because 96% of > their users run MacOSX or WinXP..
this is a distortion. i'm not aware of any vendor actively supporting linux at all, so open audio hardware would definitely be welcomed.. i mean in Echo's case, they gave some generic non-OS-specific driver code to some Italian dude who ran with it, and eventually got it working nice enough to be rolled into alsa-driver, for firewire it just happened that most vendors were using the same chip, and even then afaik it still required using a patched JACK and bypassed ALSA entirely? and the vendors have moved onto other chips by now? and no idea what is the story behind RME..but i vaguely remember them pulling the rug out from whatever official support.. so yes, i think its a great idea. but we need to get audio first. then we can worry about accelerated DSP..thats the icing on the cake really..