On Sun, 2006-05-07 at 02:25 +0200, Dominic Sacré wrote:
> On Saturday, 6. May 2006 16:13, Lee Revell wrote:
> > > I think that would be very useful. Exactly what kind of latencies
> > > would this tool measure?
> >
> > Same as the existing CLI tools - it would start an RT thread that polls
> > on the RTC, then tell the user to generate some load (switch windows,
> > do a find /, pingflood the default gateway, whatever), then report back
> > the maximum latency.
> Could you give me some links to these tools? I know I've seen something 
> like this, but I'm unable to find it...

I think Florian Schmidt's web site has the latest latency tester.

> How do these tools relate to the latency tracer in the realtime kernel?

The tester is a userspace tool to measure low latency performance, the
latency tracer is an in-kernel mechanism to determine which part of the
kernel might be causing a latency problem.

>     Dominic

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