
Requirements in order of importance, highest first:
- not likely to get us into legal trouble
- no too obvious negative interpretations/associations 
("too obvious" because it's too hard, internationaly, otherwise)
- no conflict with established open source projects
- easy to search for

Pretty much every 3 letter combo is in use by some company or 
institute. Few are pronounceable. It's similar with 4 letters.

Suggestions with few (and not relevant looking) or no Google hits:

splugs - stream processing plugins
sppib - stream processing plugins in bundles
laspib - linux audio ...
buspp - bundled stream processing plugins
streamins - streaming/stream-processing plugins
sprocins - stream processing plugins

[Streaming because there are continuous i/o streams of data 
as far as I understand, while there's no limitation to 
audio/float anymore. Corect me if I'm wrong.]

Thorsten Wilms

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