On Tue, 2006-06-20 at 08:51 +0100, Steve Harris wrote:
> There's been little news on the LV2 front here recently, all the disucssion
> seems to have taken place on IRC, so a quick update:
> Theres now a website: http://lv2plug.in/ as of a couple od days ago,
> thanks to Thorsten Wilms which has links to drafts of the C header file
> and RDF/Turtle schema. Please read the formal specs and comment.
> Following discussion on the l-a-u list and hard work by a lot of people
> there's a logo. Please don't discuss the logo except to praise it ;)
> choosing one was quite involved. Various generic forms (black on white
> etc.) will be availble on the website in due course.
> TODO list:
>   * Finalise the technical aspect of the spec, get interested parties to
>     confirm that it meets thier needs (or at least doesn't prevent them).
>   * Write human language specification to go with .h and .ttl explaining
>     how to use the spec, conventions etc.
>   * Make sure there's a reasonable set of reference implementations and
>     examples.
>   * Test the extension mechanisms.
>   * Publish final spec, have tea and cakes etc.

    * Figure out what to do about plugin latency

I think plugins with latency should be required to provide latency
information to a control output port (like the convention for LADSPA).
The best way to do this IMO is to list the port in the RDF file, since
reserving a port symbol is pretty dirty and un LV2ey.. there's probably
other 'special' ports that will come along due to extensions, and
reserving their symbols is a bad slippery slope to step on to.

I can make the plugin validating host check the latency primitively (eg
run a single sample through the buffer) and fail if it isn't reported
correctly, so we're sure the LADSPA latency woes are gone.


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