On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 08:46:42AM -0400, Forest Bond wrote:
> > The issue here is that Mr Bond wants a sampler like Kontakt that works
> > with Linux audio systems and saves its state.  The best way to achieve
> > that is to work on a free alternative, eg, Linux Sampler.

> In any case, Linux Sampler and Kontakt are
> different sorts of samplers at this point. Linux Sampler is more in the spirit
> of Gigasampler, and Kontakt is more like an emulation of a hardware sampler 
> (but
> vastly more flexible).

The key words there are "at this point."  As noted, the *long-term*
potential of Linux Sampler is probably still much greater than Kontakt-in-wine.

> > Forest, you might reconsider your decision that fst has the most
> > long-term potential and check out Linux Sampler instead; specifically
> > QSampler.
> Noted.  However, I remain unconvinced that Linux Sampler is intended to be a
> drop-in replacement for something like Kontakt.  

I don't think it's intended to be a drop-in replacement for Kontakt; I
think it's just intended to be cool.


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