On 11/2/06, Orlarey Yann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Paul Coccoli a écrit :
> The alsa-gtk build does not run on my FC4 box, because it requires
> libpangocairo-1.0.so.0.
alsa-gtk applications are build against gtk+-2.0 which requires
pangocairo-1.0. Have you gtk+-2.0 installed ?

Yes, I have gtk+-2.0 installed, but the Fedora Core 4 version of Pango
doesn't (yet) have cairo support.  So libpangocairo isn't there, but
other libpangos are.

I'll check my FC5 box later (I don't have FC6 yet).

On what system are the apps built?  I didn't know anybody was really
using Cairo yet.

> The whole thing looks very cool though!

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