Steve Harris wrote:

On 14 Mar 2007, at 10:10, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
i'm very new to ambisonics, so i may be wrong, but i think there are indeed stereo compatible first-order ambisonics streams. iirc, the format is called UHJ, and it matrixes WXY (lossily) into L/R (i.e. no height information).
Hi Joern,

Hmm, interesting, though it sounds like you'd need a specialised UHJ ambisonic decoder to play it back. That probably narrows the audience even further.

unless i'm very much mistaken, UHJ-encoded material can be played back on any stereo rig without problems (some even report better stereo width and precision). the only drawback i heard about is that UHJ-encoded stuff tends to be a little on the ambient site, with a tad too much reverb when listened to over stereo...

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