Malte Steiner wrote:

so far I cant find reports on LAC 2007 on Blogs or newspages, neither on Linux related nor electronic music ones.

Nope, they're generally not interested. The last time I notified Slashdot about the conference they put it in their Linux section and it got little response (except from the typical /. crowd of naysayers. There was no mention of it at all this year.

LJ didn't think it worthy enough to fund a reporter's trip. AFAIK there were no official reps from any major music or music tech magazines. The commercial music software market is small, small enough for the manufacturers to possibly perceive Linux audio software as a most unwelcome alternative. And given that those commercial entities fund the ad revenue of the major music mags, I'm sure they won't especially like to see articles touting Ardour and Rosegarden running beside the full-page glossies for Logic et al.

Yeh, yeh, I'm riding my same old hobby horse.

We are, as we have been always, quite on our own in this little pocket universe of ours.

I imagine Daniel James will get a report into Linux User & Developer. I hope so, since he's the editor of the mag. ;)

Maybe Frank B will get something into c't ?

I plan to go through some of the audio fiels from the presentations, I'd like to provide some kind of report on the conference in my blog.



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