On Thursday, July 16, 2015 08:38:22 AM Kangkook Jee wrote:
> I'm writing a custom user-land auditd client subscribing to kauditd to
> monitor a number of system calls that we are interested. My auditd client
> seems to work fine in overall but I found unexpected behavior of auditd
> framework which slows down (or sometimes freezes) the entire system as the
> consuming rate of audit client couldn't catch up the speed of audit message
> generation.

This is by design. Auditing is so important that we cannot let even 1 event 
escape the audit trail. To people that count on auditing, they would normally 
rather have access denied than lose the ability to track who's accessing 

This leads to a couple issues. One is have you done anything about priority? 
Did you give your daemon a healthy boost over the other processes so it gets 
more runtime than normal processes? How about cgroups? Have you checked disk 
synchronization techniques (some yield worse performance but guarantee its 
written)? What about gprof traces to see where the "hotspots" are in your 

> Here's the simple code snippet used to reproduce the problem.
> //
> // To build.
> // g++ -o simple_audit -std=c++11 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  main.cpp
> -laudit //
> #include <libaudit.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <cassert>
> #include <iostream>
> static int32_t fd = -1;
> static bool au_listen_flag = true;
> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
>     struct audit_reply rep;
>     uint64_t cnt = 0;
>     if (argc != 2) {
>         fprintf(stderr, "Invalid usage: %s <sleep_interval>\n", argv[0]);
>         exit(1);
>     }
>     uint32_t sleep_time = atoi(argv[1]);
>     fd = audit_open();
>     if (fd < 0) {
>         // error handling.
>         std::cerr << "Invalid fd returned: " + std::to_string(fd) <<
> std::endl; exit(-1);
>     }
>     int32_t ret = audit_set_pid(fd, getpid(), WAIT_YES);
>     if (ret < 0) {
>         std::cerr << "audit_set_pid failed: " + std::to_string(fd) <<
> std::endl; exit(-1);
>     }
>     while (au_listen_flag) {
>         int32_t rc = audit_get_reply(fd, &rep, GET_REPLY_BLOCKING, 0);
>         if (rc > 0) {
>             cnt++;
>         }
>         usleep(sleep_time);

Why would you do this? You ought to be using epoll or something like that to 
wait on next event.

>         if (cnt % 10000 == 0) {
>             printf ("messages %lu\n", cnt);
>         }
>     }
>     close(fd);
> }
> The problem becomes more apparent as we increase the amount of sleep time
> that is provided as a first command line argument (say a thousand
> Milli-seconds) and simultaneously run some heavy-load tasks (i.e., kernel
> build).
> sudo ./simple_audit 1000
> Here's the command line that we used to add system calls to be monitored and
> enable.
> # Adding events.
> /sbin/auditctl -a exit,always -F arch=b64 -S clone -S close -S creat -S dup
> -S dup2 -S dup3 -S execve -S exit -S exit_group -S fork -S open -S openat
> -S unlink -S unlinkat -S vfork -S 288 -S accept -S bind -S connect -S
> listen -S socket -S socketpair

Next question...why would you want all those syscalls? Do you want them for 
daemons and users? Normally daemons are considered normal system function and 
are not of interest. What is of interest is what users do. So, to weed out 
damons, you don't want anything with auid=-1. Because the kernel uses unsigned 
numbers, you would add

-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=-1

to the rule. That might make a big difference.

> # Enabling events.
> /sbin/auditctl -e1 -b 102400
> At the very moment, "auditctl -s" indicating that kernel buffer is filled up
> but it does not throw away audit messages ('lost' is not increasing ).
> # auditctl -s
> AUDIT_STATUS: enabled=1 flag=1 pid=29887 rate_limit=0 backlog_limit=102400
> lost=270878600 backlog=102402 # auditctl -s
> AUDIT_STATUS: enabled=1 flag=1 pid=29887 rate_limit=0 backlog_limit=102400
> lost=270878600 backlog=102402
> Could anyone guide me how to configure kauditd's buffer setting so that it
> can dump audit messages when the buffer is filled up and user-land consumer
> can't catch up the speed of audit message produce?

If you don't mind losing events, you can also listen on the netlink socket 
without setting the pid the same way that journald does it. That is a best 
effort connection and not guaranteed to be lossless.


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