On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 22:01:24 -0500 "Martin K. Petersen" <martin.peter...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Consequently, many of the modern devices that claim to support discard > to make us software folks happy (or to satisfy a purchase order > requirements) complete the commands without doing anything at all. > We're simply wasting queue slots. Any example of such devices? Let alone "many"? Where you would issue a full-device blkdiscard, but then just read back old data. I know only one model(PLEXTOR PX-512M6M) of dozens tested, which is peculiar that it ignores trim specifically for the 1st sector of the entire disk. But implying there are "many" which no-op it entirely, seems like imagining the world already works like you would assume it to. -- With respect, Roman