On Oct 12, 2009, at 12:16 PM, jim owens wrote:

Pär Andersson wrote:
I just ran into the max hard link per directory limit, and remembered
this thread. I get EMLINK when trying to create more than 311 (not 272)
links in a directory, so at least the BUG() is fixed.
What is the reason for the limit, and is there any chance of increasing
it to something more reasonable as Mikhail suggested?
For comparison I tried to create 200k hardlinks to the the same file in
the same directory on btrfs, ext4, reiserfs and xfs:

what real-world application uses and needs this many hard links?


I don't think that's a good counterargument for why this is not a bug.

Can't think of any off the top of my head for Linux, but definitely in OS X Time Machine can easily create 200+ hardlinks.--
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