
I've written up a draft of an Fedora 13 feature proposal for
filesystem rollback using Btrfs snapshots that are automatically
created by yum:


It'd be great to get feedback on whether this is a good idea, and how
the UI interaction should work.  We're also discussing it in this
fedora-devel thread:


Some comments I've got already received, from the thread:

* People want the UI to allow independent active snapshots per
  filesystem (i.e. btrfs /home is the live filesystem, and btrfs / is
  an older snapshot).

* Several people think that the ZFS Time Slider patches to nautilus¹
  look good, and want that for btrfs.  Sounds plausible, but I'm
  more interested in first working on ways to let developers feel
  comfortable upgrading to the development version of Fedora each
  day with the possibility of reverting.

* Instead of inventing a new system-config-blah, this should probably
  be part of Palimpsest².

* Perhaps we should encourage people using the Fedora installer with
  btrfs to create a rootfs separate to their /home, so that they can
  rollback rootfs snapshots without affecting their homedir.


- Chris.

¹:  http://blogs.sun.com/erwann/entry/zfs_on_the_desktop_zfs

²:  http://library.gnome.org/users/palimpsest/stable/intro.html.en
Chris Ball   <c...@laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child
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