On Saturday 16 January 2010, Michael Niederle wrote:
> How can I detect how much free space is left on a btrfs-volume?
> As I read (and learned in practice!) "df" reports cannot be trusted if used 
> btrfs-volumes.

Try btrfs-show

$ btrfs-show
Label: bar  uuid: ec2918cd-ad47-4eac-9e85-5604b02fd922
        Total devices 1 FS bytes used 302.25MB
        devid    1 size 964.81MB used 614.50MB path /dev/sdc1

Label: debian-root  uuid: 6e2a647f-5da2-4bd0-a7d7-9b13d13a47cc
        Total devices 1 FS bytes used 23.52GB
        devid    1 size 232.11GB used 118.03GB path /dev/sdc3

Btrfs Btrfs v0.19


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