On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Goffredo Baroncelli
<kreij...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> on the basis of the suggestion received, I update my btrfs tool.
> The main changes are:
> - removed the short form of the command (like '-C')
> - deployed the "multi level" command (i.e.: btrfs snapshot create)
> - split the source in three files. This because the new parses are quite big
> (about  295 lines; for example btrfsctl.c are only 239 lines).
> The "multi level" command parser is quite flexible. They accept the full-
> length command (btrfs subvolume create) and a contract form (btrfs subvol cr).
> The commands may be arbitrary shortly (even 1 chars) but they have to be un-
> ambiguous. For example
> - btrfs s s             -> OK (matches 'btrfs subvolume snapshot' only)
> - btrfs dev s           -> FAIL (matches both 'btrfs dev show' and
>                                'btrfs dev scan')
> The parser highlights which part of the command are ambiguous.
> This is a RFC because there is no agreement about the name of the command.
> I am proposing the following structure:
>   btrfs <object> <action>
> where <object> are:
> - subvolume (valid action: create, delete, snapshot, list [not implemented])
> - filesystem (valid action: defrag, sync, resize [not implemented])
> - device (valid action: add, delete, scan, show, balance)
> You can find the source at
>        http://cassiopea.homelinux.net/git/btrfs-command.git
> (commit 3deec45d18879d60b4032dc1f8895d7b7e1211ec, remember to switch to the
> "remotes/origin/multi-level-command" branch (I hate git!!!)
> BR
> G.Baroncelli
> ----
> $ git diff remotes/origin/orig | diffstat
>  Makefile             |    6
>  btrfs.c              |   73 ++++++
>  btrfs_cmds.c         |  587 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[...]
>  btrfs_cmds.h         |   30 ++
>  btrfs_cmds_parse.c   |  296 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  man/Makefile         |    5
>  man/btrfs.8.in       |  148 ++++++++++++
>  13 files changed, 1291 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> ----
> $ ./btrfs
> Usage:
>        btrfs subvolume snapshot [<dest>/]<name>
>                Create a writeble snapshot of the subvolume <source> with
>                the name <name> in the <dest> directory.
>        btrfs subvolume delete <subvolume>
>                Delete the subvolume <subvolume>.
>        btrfs subvolume create [<dest>/]<name>
>                Create a subvolume in <dest> (or the current directory if
>                not passed).
>        btrfs filesystem defrag <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
>                Defragment a file or a directory.
>        btrfs device scan [<device> [<device>..]
>                Scan all device for or the passed device for a btrfs
>                filesystem.
>        btrfs filesystem sync <path>
>                Force a fs sync on the filesystem <path>
>        btrfs filesystem resize [+/-]<newsize>[gkm]|max <filesystem>
>                Resize the file system. If 'max' is passed, the filesystem
>                will occupe all available space on the device.
>        btrfs device show [<dev>|<label>...]
>                Show the btrfs devices
>        btrfs device balance <path>
>                Balance the chunk across the device
>        btrfs device add <dev> [<dev>..] <path>
>                Add a device to a filesystem
>        btrfs device delete <dev> [<dev>..] <path>
>                Remove a device from a filesystem
>        btrfs help|--help|-h
>                Show the help.
> Btrfs v0.19-22-g07a97f0-dirty
> ----
> $ man man/btrfs.8.in | cat
> BTRFS(8)                           btrfs                           BTRFS(8)
>       btrfs - control a btrfs filesystem
>       btrfs subvolume snapshot <source> [<dest>/]<name>
>       btrfs subvolume delete <subvolume>
>       btrfs subvolume create [<dest>/]<name>
>       btrfs filesystem defrag <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
>       btrfs filesystem fssync <path>
>       btrfs filesystem resize [+/-]<size>[gkm]|max <filesystem>
>       btrfs device scan [<device> [<device>..]]
>       btrfs device show <dev>|<label> [<dev>|<label>...]
>       btrfs device balance <path>
>       btrfs device add <dev> [<dev>..] <path>
>       btrfs device delete <dev> [<dev>..] <path> ]
>       btrfs help|--help|-h
>       btrfs  is  used to control the filesystem and the files and directo‐
>       ries stored. It is the tool to create or destroy a new snapshot or a

-create or destroy a new snapshot
+create or destroy a snapshot

>       new  subvolume  for the filesystem, to defrag a file or a directory,

-new  subvolume  for the filesystem, to defrag a file or a directory
+subvolume for the filesystem, defrag a file or a directory

>       to flush the dato to the disk, to resize the filesystem, to scan the
>       device.

-to flush the dato to the disk, to resize the filesystem, to scan the
+flush the data to the disk, resize the filesystem, scan the

>       It  is  possible to abbreviate the commands unless the commands  are
>       ambiguous.  For example: it is  possible  to  run  btrfs  sub  snaps
>       instead  of  btrfs  subvolume  snapshot.   But  btrfs  dev  s is not
>       allowed, because dev s may be interpreted both as device show and as
>       device scan.  In this case btrfs returns an error.
>       If  a command is terminated by --help , the relevant help is showed.
>       If the passed command matches more commands, the  help  of  all  the
>       matched  commands are showed. For example btrfs dev --help shows the
>       help of all device* command.

Several parts above have more than one space between words, and less
than two spaces between sentences.

>       subvolume snapshot <source> [<dest>/]<name>
>              Create a writeble snapshot of the subvolume <source> with the
>              name  <name>  in  the  <dest> directory. If <source> is not a
>              subvolume, btrfs returns an error.

-Create a writeble snapshot of the subvolume <source> with the
+Create a writeable snapshot of the subvolume <source> with the

>       subvolume delete <subvolume>
>              Delete the subvolume <subvolume>. If  <subvolume>  is  not  a
>              subvolume, btrfs returns an error.
>       subvolume create [<dest>/]<name>
>              Create  a subvolume in <dest> (or in the current directory if
>              <dest> is not passed).
>       filesystem defrag <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
>              Defragment files and/or directories.

-filesystem defrag <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]
+filesystem defragment <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]

Since the commands can be arbitrarily shortened, might as well spell
the full command out.

>       device scan [<device> [<device>..]]
>              Scan devices for  a  btrfs  filesystem.  If  no  devices  are
>              passed, btrfs scans all the block devices.
>       filesystem fssync <path>
>              Force a sync for the filesystem identified by <path>.

-filesystem fssync <path>
+filesystem sync <path>

You have done away with specifying what it is working on.  I think
that's best, it just needs good error messages to handle the
unimplemented cases at the moment.
I would also rename "fssync" to "sync".

>       filesystem resize [+/-]<size>[gkm]|max <filesystem>

-filesystem resize [+/-]<size>[gkm]|max <filesystem>
+filesystem resize [+/-]<size>[gkm]|max <dev>

>              Resize a file system identified by <path>.  The <size> param‐

-Resize a file system identified
+Resize a filesystem identified

>              eter specifies the new size of the filesystem.  If the prefix
>              +  or  - is present the size is increased or decreased by the
>              quantity <size>.  If no units are specified, the unit of  the
>              <size> parameter is the byte.  Optionally, the size parameter

-<size> parameter is the byte.
+<size> parameter defaults to bytes.

>              may be suffixed by one of the following  the  units  designa‐
>              tors:  'K',  'M', or 'G', kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes,
>              respectively.
>              If 'max' is passed, the filesystem will occupy all  available
>              space on the volume(s).

-space on the volume(s).
+space on the block device specified.

>              The resize command does not manipulate the size of underlying
>              partitions.  If you wish to enlarge/reduce a filesystem,  you
>              must  make  sure you can expand/reduce the size of the parti‐
>              tion also.

There are multiple ways to resize a btrfs filesystem.  You can add add
or remove devices or shrink or enlarge the devices the filesystem is
already on.  This operation only works on one block device at a time
so I think it should be under device instead of filesystem.

>       device show [<dev>|<label>...]
>              Show the btrfs devices  with  some  additional  info.  If  no
>              devices  or  labels  are  passed,  btrfs  scans all the block
>              devices.
>       device balance|-b <path>
>              Balance the chunk of  the  filesystem  identified  by  <path>
>              across the devices.

I think this is a bit ambiguous.  While true, it is "balancing the
filesystem across devices" and "btrfs device balance" is quite
descriptive, it is working against a path and not a block device for
its argument.  I think that just tips the scales enough to put it
under filesystem instead of device.

>       device add <dev> [<dev>..] <path>
>              Add device(s) to the filesystem identified by <path>.
>       device delete <dev> [<dev>..] <path>
>              Remove device(s) from a filesystem identified by <path>.
>       btrfs  returns  a  zero  exist  status  if  it succeeds. Non zero is
>       returned in case of failure.
>       btrfs is part of btrfs-progs. Btrfs filesystem  is  currently  under
>       heavy  development,  and not suitable for any uses other than bench‐
>       marking   and   review.    Please   refer   to   the   btrfs    wiki
>       http://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org for further details.
>       mkfs.btrfs(8)
> btrfs                                                              BTRFS(8)
> --
> gpg key@ keyserver.linux.it: Goffredo Baroncelli (ghigo) <kreijackATinwind.it>
> Key fingerprint = 4769 7E51 5293 D36C 814E  C054 BF04 F161 3DC5 0512
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