On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:39:48 +0200
Xavier Nicollet <nicol...@jeru.org> wrote:

> Le 26 octobre 2010 à 15:15, Pat Regan a écrit:
> > I turned off the 5-minute snapshots and I'm now just keeping 4
> > weekly, 7 daily, and 24 hourly snapshots alive.
> I have just rebooted and I am going with /15 minutes interval.

I'm just replying so this is documented somewhere.

After I read your message I decided to turn on snaphots at 15 minute
intervals yesterday.  This morning I had snapshot processing filling up
my process list again.

My laptop is a quad core i7 and the btrfs file system is on an Intel
X25-M 80 gig.  I don't know if a fast drives increases or decreases the
likelihood of having this problem or not.

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