On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 02:27:39PM -0800, Daniel Farina wrote:
> I have been tracking the development of btrfs for some time, as the
> built-in support for snapshotting would be of great convenience for
> relational database use cases. I have been crawling the wiki
> (especially the FAQ), but I still don't have a clear sense of "what's
> left" *besides* the need for a 'fsck' utility that can be called
> absolutely vital.
> That, and testing and bug reports.

   This question (and answer) should probably go in the FAQ...

   Nobody is going to magically stick a label on btrfs and say "it's
stable now!" Software -- particularly something as complex as this --
just doesn't work that way.

   It's stable *for you* when it functions with the workloads *you*
expect of it, with a failure rate that is acceptable *to you*.

   For what I'm using it for right now, it's already stable by that
definition, *for me*.

> From the materials I've been able to find, it's hard for me to get a
> sense of how one could assist the project towards being recommended
> for general use; do the denizens of this list has a sense of what
> those things might be? (Or a link?)

   The primary things you can do: Use it, test it, file bug reports.
Do this with, as close as you can, the use-cases (IOPs/s, feature
uses, data sizes) that you want to use it for.

   Beyond that: Fix bugs. Add the features that you think are
important. Add features that other people think are important (see the
"Project Ideas" page on the wiki for the latter).



=== Hugo Mills: h...@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 515C238D from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
  --- The trouble with you, Ibid, is you think you know everything. ---  

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