
I fooled around with RAID and didn't quite get how to use -o degraded
the way it's meant. I asked on
. It goes like this:
-Create the raid array "sudo mkfs.btrfs -m raid1 -d raid1 /dev/loop1 /dev/loop2"
-mount them "sudo mount /dev/loop1 /mnt" and mark them "touch goodcondition"
-You unmount and simulate disk failure (remove disk or delete loopback
device loop2 in my case)
-You mount degraded "-o degraded" and mark again "touch degraded"
-You add the bad disk again "sudo btrfs dev add /dev/loop2"
-You rebalance "sudo btrfs fi ba /mnt"
And Raid 1 should work again. But that's not the case. "sudo btrfs fi show":

Total devices 3 FS bytes used 28.00KB
devid    3 size 4.00GB used 264.00MB path /dev/loop1
devid    2 size 4.00GB used 272.00MB path /dev/loop2
*** Some devices missing

It looks like I added another device instead of replacing.
I got the info so far from
last paragraph.

So howdo I tell btrfs to use the newly created loop2 as a replacement for loop2

NB This is the first time I'm using a mailing list, so if I'm making
some obvious mistakes please point them out.

Tobias Kronawitter
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