On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 7:49 AM, Hadmut Danisch <had...@danisch.de> wrote:
> Am 28.01.2012 00:20, schrieb Chester:
>> It should be okay to mount with compress or without compress. Even if
>> you mount a volume with compressed data without '-o compress' you will
>> still be able to correctly read the data (but newly written data will
>> not be compressed)
> But having both compressed and uncompressed files in the filesystem is
> exactly what I want to avoid. Not because of reading problems, but to
> avoid wasting disk space. I don't have a reading problem. I have a
> writing problem.

If you've been using -o compress, then you should know that even then
not ALL data is compressed. If btrfs predicts that a data will be
unable to benefit frmo compression, it will store it uncompressed. The
problem is the prediction is not always right. Which is why there's -o

Anyway, for removable media case, there's a workaround that you can
use (at least it works with gnome). Put the entry for the usb block
device (e.g. /dev/sdb1) in fstab, with appropriate mount option, and
the option will be used when you mount it using nautilus.

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