Kyle Gates posted on Mon, 30 Jan 2012 08:58:41 -0600 as excerpted:

> I've been having good luck with my /boot on a separate 1GB RAID1 btrfs
> filesystem using grub2 (2 disks only! I wouldn't try it with 3). I
> should note, however, that I'm NOT using compression on this volume
> because if I remember correctly it may not play well with grub (maybe
> that was just lzo though) and I'm also not using subvolumes either for
> the same reason.

Thanks!  I'm on grub2 as well.  It's is still masked on gentoo, but I 
recently unmasked and upgraded to it, taking advantage of the fact that I 
have two two-spindle md/raid-1s for /boot and its backup to test and 
upgrade one of them first, then the other only when I was satisfied with 
the results on the first set.  I'll be using a similar strategy for the 
btrfs upgrades, only most of my md/raid-1s are 4-spindle, with two sets, 
working and backup, and I'll upgrade one set first.

I'm going to keep /boot a pair of two-spindle raid-1s, but intend to make 
them btrfs-raid1s instead of md/raid-1s, and will upgrade one two-spindle 
set at a time.

More on the status of grub2 btrfs-compression support based on my 
research.  There is support for btrfs/gzip-compression in at least grub 
trunk.  AFAIK, it's gzip-compression in grub-1.99-release and
lzo-compression in trunk only, but I may be misremembering and it's gzip 
in trunk only and only uncompressed in grub-1.99-release.

In any event, since I'm running 128 MB /boot md/raid-1s without 
compression now, and intend to increase the size to at least a quarter 
gig to better align the following partitions, /boot is the one set of 
btrfs partitions I do NOT intend to enable compression on, so that won't 
be an issue for me here.  And since for /boot I'm running a pair of
two-spindle raid1s instead of my usual quad-spindle raid1s, you've 
confirmed that works as well. =:^)

As a side note, since I only recently did the grub2 upgrade, I've been 
enjoying its ability to load and read md/raid and my current reiserfs 
directly, thus giving me the ability to look up info in at least text-
based main system config and notes files directly from grub2, without 
booting into Linux, if for some reason the above-grub boot is hosed or 
inconvenient at that moment.  I just realized that if I want to maintain 
that direct-from-grub access, I'll need to ensure that the grub2 I'm 
running groks the btrfs compression scheme I'm using on any filesystem I 
want grub2 to be able to read.

Hmm... that brings up another question:  You mention a 1-gig btrfs-raid1 /
boot, but do NOT mention whether you installed it before or after mixed-
chunk (data/metadata) support made it into btrfs and became the default 
for <= 1 gig filesystems.

Can you confirm one way or the other whether you're running mixed-chunk 
on that 1-gig?  I'm not sure whether grub2's btrfs module groks mixed-
chunk or not, or whether that even matters to it.

Also, could you confirm mbr-bios vs gpt-bios vs uefi-gpt partitions?  I'm 
using gpt-bios partitioning here, with the special gpt-bios-reserved 
partition, so grub2-install can build the modules necessary for /boot 
access directly into its core-image and install that in the gpt-bios-
reserved partition.  It occurs to me that either uefi-gpt or gpt-bios 
with the appropriate reserved partition won't have quite the same issues 
with grub2 reading a btrfs /boot that either mbr-bios or gpt-bios without 
a reserved bios partition would.  If you're running gpt-bios with a 
reserved bios partition, that confirms yet another aspect of your setup, 
compared to mine.  If you're running uefi-gpt, not so much as at least in 
theory, that's best-case.  If you're running either mbr-bios or gpt-bios 
without a reserved bios partition, that's a worst-case, so if it works, 
then the others should definitely work.

Meanwhile, you're right about subvolumes.  I'd not try them on a btrfs 
/boot, either.  (I don't really see the use case for it, for a separate
/boot, tho there's certainly a case for a /boot subvolume on a btrfs 
root, for people doing that.)

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