On Thursday 23 of February 2012 20:02:38 Anand Jain wrote:
>   autosnap code is available either end of this week or early
>   next week and what you will notice is autosnap snapshots
>   are named using uuid.
>   Main reason to drop time-stamp based names is that,
>      - test (clicking on Take-snapshot button) which took more
>    than one snapshot per second was failing.
>      - a more descriptive creation time is available using a
>     command line option as in the example below.
>   -----
>   # btrfs su list -t tag=@minute,parent=/btrfs/sv1 /btrfs
>   /btrfs/.autosnap/6c0dabfa-5ddb-11e1-a8c1-0800271feb99 Thu Feb 23 13:01:18
> 2012 /btrfs/sv1 @minute
> /btrfs/.autosnap/5669613e-5ddd-11e1-a644-0800271feb99 Thu Feb 23 13:15:01
> 2012 /btrfs/sv1 @minute -----
>   As of now code for time-stamp as autosnap snapshot name is
>   commented out, if more people wanted it to be a time-stamp
>   based names, I don't mind having that way. Please do let me know.

I'd say, that having it as configure option (do Samba-style snapshot naming
vs. uuid based) would be sufficient. The question remains what should be the

That being said, what use-case would require snapshots taken more often than
every second? I doubt that you actually can do snapshots every second on a
busy file system, let alone more often. On lightly-used one they will be
identical and just clutter the name-space.

Hubert Kario
QBS - Quality Business Software
02-656 Warszawa, ul. Ksawerów 30/85
tel. +48 (22) 646-61-51, 646-74-24

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