2012/3/10 Ted Ts'o <ty...@mit.edu>:
> Hey Jacek,
> I'm curious parameters of the set of directories on your production
> server.  On an ext4 file system, assuming you've copied the
> directories over, what are the result of this command pipeline when
> you are cd'ed into the top of the directory hierarchy of interest
> (your svn tree, as I recall)?
> find . -type d -ls | awk '{print $7}' | sort -n | uniq -c
> I'm just curious what the distribution of directories sizes are in
> practice for your use case...

Hi Ted,

below is from the latest upstream on ext4:

 843341 4096
    165 12288
     29 16384
    164 20480
     26 24576
     22 28672
     24 32768
    118 36864
     12 40960
     19 45056
      3 49152
     12 53248
     37 57344
     10 61440
      2 65536
     13 69632
      1 131072
      1 139264
      1 143360
      1 221184
      1 249856
      1 258048
      1 262144
      1 319488
      2 335872
      1 339968

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