On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Skylar Burtenshaw <daninfu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey - been a few days, not meaning to pester but I wanted to make sure my
> previous message didn't slip through the cracks. If I offended, I apologize - 
> I
> certainly didn't mean to, and my attempts at joviality can come across as
> abrasive. If you simply haven't had time to look into this yet, or it's 
> bizarre
> enough that it's taking time to isolate, take all the time you need. Thank 
> you.

Didn't Chris' last response basically say "use kernel 3.2 or newer,
mount the fs (possibly with -o ro), and copy the data elsewhere"? Have
you done that?

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