Le 22/02/2012 17:55, Olivier Bonvalet a écrit :
So, the btrfs-convert for the smaller drive is done... after near 5 days. Which 
stats can I give you ?

It's a 340GB LVM block device, and "btrfs filesystem df /backup/" say that :

Data: total=225.97GB, used=181.94GB
System: total=32.00MB, used=24.00KB
Metadata: total=111.00GB, used=91.56GB

If I mount the ext2_saved/image copy, I can see 257GB of data (78% of the block 
device used), with 17M of inodes.

The other btrfs-convert stay running.
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Well, the second one is still running :

root! backup:~# uptime
 21:17:43 up 41 days, 19:59,  1 user,  load average: 2.06, 1.90, 1.88

root! backup:~# ps auxw | grep btrfs
root      1978 25.6 74.3 1269072 1141212 ?     D    Feb18 15421:50 
btrfs-convert /dev/vg-backup/backup

root! backup:~# iostat -k
Linux (backup)         30/03/2012      _x86_64_        (2 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
          10,54    0,06    2,36   54,21    0,09   32,74

Device:            tps    kB_read/s    kB_wrtn/s    kB_read    kB_wrtn
xvda            724,70       175,50      3181,13  634342597 11498370400
xvdy              0,00         0,00         0,00       1381          0
xvdz              0,00         0,00         0,00       4065          0
dm-0              0,49         3,22         1,78   11627497    6435028
dm-1            837,57       171,69      3178,57  620593936 11489105416
dm-2              0,34         0,59         0,78    2120800    2830584

11498370400 kB written, so, 11TB written to convert a 518GB partition ?

but more important : is it safe to abort the process ?

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