> This is a lot more compact (as you can have several files' data in a
> single block), but by default will write two copies of each file,
> even
> on a single disk.

Great, no (or less) space wasted, then! I will have a filesystem that's 
composed mostly of metadata blocks, if I understand correctly. Will this create 
any problem? 

>    So, if you want to use some form of redundancy (e.g. RAID-1), then
> that's great, and you need to do nothing unusual. However, if you
> want
> to maximise space usage at the expense of robustness in a device
> failure, then you need to ensure that you only keep one copy of your
> data. This will mean that you should format the filesystem with the
> -m
> single option.

That's a very clever suggestion, I'm preparing a test server right now: going 
to use the -m single option. Any other suggestion regarding format options?

pagesize? leafsize?

> > XFS has a minimum block size of 512, but BTRFS is more modern and,
> > given the fact that is able to handle indexes on his own, it could
> > help us speed up file operations (could it?)
>    Not sure what you mean by "handle indexes on its own". XFS will
> have its own set of indexes and file metadata -- it wouldn't be much
> of a filesystem if it didn't.

Yes, you are perfectly right; I tough that recreating a tree like /d/u/m/m/y/ 
to store "dummy" would have been redundant since the whole filesystem is based 
on trees - I don't have to "ls" directories, we are using php to write and read 
files, I will have to find a "compromise" between levels of directories and 
number of files in each one of them.

May I ask you about compression? Would you use it in the scenario I described?

Thank you for your help!
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