On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> wrote:
> Am Samstag, 8. September 2012 schrieb Marc MERLIN:
>> I was migrating a backup disk to a new btrfs disk, and the backup had a
>> lot of hardlinks to collapse identical files to cut down on inode
>> count and disk space.
>> Then, I started seeing:
> […]
>> Has someone come up with a cool way to work around the too many link
>> error and only when that happens, turn the hardlink into a file copy
>> instead? (that is when copying an entire tree with millions of files).
> What about:
> - copy first backup version
> - btrfs subvol create first next
> - copy next backup version
> - btrfs subvol create previous next

Wouldn't "btrfs subvolume snapshot", plus "rsync --inplace" more
useful here? That is. if the original hardlink is caused by multiple
versions of backup of the same file.

Personally, if I need a feature not currently impelented yet in btrfs,
I'd just switch to something else for now, like zfs. And revisit btrfs
later when it has the needed features have been merged.

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