On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 07:40:17PM +0800, ching wrote:
> How about enhancing the "*thread_pool=/number" mount option instead?
> thread_pool=n     enable threadpool/**/for compression and checksum, MAY 
> improve bandwidth/*
> */thread_pool=0     disable threadpool for compression and checksum, MIGHT 
> reduce latency
> thread_pool=-1 or not provided    automatically managed (current behaviour 
> and default choice)

Sorry, I don't understand the syntax, can you please write it more
clearly? Thanks.

> This should allow user to tradeoff between latency and bandwidth,
> furthermore, you do not need to assume that btrfs may use crc32c
> algorithm only forever.

Some sort of finer control over the threads makes sense, we should
distinguish for cpu-bound processing where paralelism wins and io-bound
where it is not helpful to add more and more threads that hammer a
single device (namely in case of HDD, so this should be tunable for the
devices with cheap seeks).

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