On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 10:42:18AM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> Thanks for the response Hugo,
> On Oct 22, 2012, at 3:19 AM, Hugo Mills <h...@carfax.org.uk> wrote:
> >   I'm not entirely sure what's going on here(*), but it looks like an
> > awkward interaction between the unequal sizes of the devices, the fact
> > that three of them are very small, and the RAID-0/RAID-1 on
> > data/metadata respectively.
> I'm fine accepting the devices are very small and the original file system 
> was packed completely full: to the point this is effectively sabotage. 
> The idea was merely to test how a full (I was aiming more for 90%, not 97%, 
> oops) volume handles being migrated to a replacement disk, which I think for 
> a typical user would be larger not the same, knowing in advance that not all 
> of the space on the new disk is usable. And I was doing it at a one order 
> magnitude reduced scale for space consideration.
> >   You can't relocate any of the data chunks, because RAID-0 requires
> > at least two chunks, and all your data chunks are more than 50% full,
> > so it can't put one 0.55 GiB chunk on the big disk and one 0.55 GiB
> > chunk on the remaining space on the small disk, which is the only way
> > it could proceed.
> Interesting. So the way "device delete" moves extents is not at all similar 
> to how LVM pvmove moves extents, which is unidirectional (away from the 
> device being demoted). My, seemingly flawed, expectation was that "device 
> delete" would cause extents on the deleted device to be moved to the newly 
> added disk.

   It's more like a balance which moves everything that has some (part
of its) existence on a device. So when you have RAID-0 or RAID-1 data,
all of the related chunks on other disks get moved too (so in RAID-1,
it's the mirror chunk as well as the chunk on the removed disk that
gets rewritten).

> If I add yet another 12GB virtual disk, sdf, and then attempt a delete, it 
> works, no errors. Result:
> [root@f18v ~]# btrfs device delete /dev/sdb /mnt
> [root@f18v ~]# btrfs fi show
> failed to read /dev/sr0
> Label: none  uuid: 6e96a96e-3357-4f23-b064-0f0713366d45
>       Total devices 5 FS bytes used 7.52GB
>       devid    5 size 12.00GB used 4.17GB path /dev/sdf
>       devid    4 size 12.00GB used 4.62GB path /dev/sde
>       devid    3 size 3.00GB used 2.68GB path /dev/sdd
>       devid    2 size 3.00GB used 2.68GB path /dev/sdc
>       *** Some devices missing
> However, I think that last line is a bug. When I
> [root@f18v ~]# btrfs device delete missing /mnt
> I get
> [ 2152.257163] btrfs: no missing devices found to remove
> So they're missing but not missing?

   If you run sync, or wait for 30 seconds, you'll find that fi show
shows the correct information again -- btrfs fi show reads the
superblocks directly, and if you run it immediately after the dev del,
they've not been flushed back to disk yet.

> > btrfs balance start -dconvert=single /mountpoint

> Yeah that's perhaps a better starting point for many regular Joe
> users setting up a multiple device btrfs volume, in particular where
> different sized disks can be anticipated.

   I think we should probably default to single on multi-device
filesystems, not RAID-0, as this kind of problem bites a lot of
people, particularly when trying to drop the second disk in a pair.

   In similar vein, I'd suggest that an automatic downgrade from
RAID-1 to DUP metadata on removing one device from a 2-device array
should also be done, but I suspect there's some good reasons for not
doing that, that I've not thought of. This has also bitten a lot of
people in the past.


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 515C238D from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
  --- "There's more than one way to do it" is not a commandment. It ---  
                           is a dire warning.                            

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