On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Travis LaDuke <travislad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is kind of silly, but may be salvageable...
> I made a btrfs on top of luks partition and tried it for a couple days. Then
> I made another luks partition on another drive then added and balanced that
> new drive as btrfs raid1.  A lot of time passed and the balance finished.
> Then I rebooted. The original partition will luksOpen, but btrfs won't mount
> it. The 2nd one is in worse shape, it won't even luksOpen.
> I haven't tried btrfsck yet. Is there something else I should try first?
> What debug info can I post?
> halp

"Help" ;p

Try mounting the original with -o degraded, and post the dmesg of the
attempt if it doesn't work.
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