On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 2:31 AM, Chris Mason <chris.ma...@fusionio.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 06:33:24AM -0700, Alexander Block wrote:
>> I did some research on deduplication in the past and there are some
>> problems that you will face. I'll try to list some of them (for sure
>> not all).
> Thanks Alexander for writing all of this up.  There are a lot of great
> points here, but I'll summarize with:
> [ many challenges to online dedup ]
> [ offline dedup is the best way ]
> So, the big problem with offline dedup is you're suddenly read bound.  I
> don't disagree that offline makes a lot of the dedup problems easier,
> and Alexander describes a very interesting system here.
> I've tried to avoid features that rely on scanning though, just because
> idle disk time may not really exist.  But with scrub, we have the scan
> as a feature, and it may make a lot of sense to leverage that.
> online dedup has a different set of tradeoffs, but as Alexander says the
> hard part really is the data structure to index the hashes.  I think
> there are a few different options here, including changing the file
> extent pointers to point to a sha instead of a logical disk offset.

I am not sure if I am following the approach with replacing the
pointers, could you please explain?

I agree that the data structure is the key part in designing the feature.

> So, part of my answer really depends on where you want to go with your
> thesis.  I expect the data structure work for efficient hash lookup is
> going to be closer to what your course work requires?

No, I don't think it is really necessary that the data structure
should be close to my course work. What is your opinion on the most
suitable data structure to index the hashes?

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