[kozzi@KozziFX ~]$ mkdir derby
[kozzi@KozziFX ~]$ cd derby/
[kozzi@KozziFX derby]$ wget -c -q http://mirror.hosting90.cz/apache//db/derby/db-derby-
[kozzi@KozziFX derby]$ unzip -qq db-derby-
[kozzi@KozziFX derby]$ cd db-derby-
[kozzi@KozziFX db-derby-]$ DERBY_HOME=`pwd`
[kozzi@KozziFX db-derby-]$ java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar server start & [kozzi@KozziFX db-derby-]$ java -jar $DERBY_HOME/lib/derbyrun.jar ij
verze ij 10.9
ij> CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/seconddb;create=true';

BTW. after this I must restart my PC, and after restart, my system doesn't boot anymore :-) (some more btrfs oops).
So I must use btrfs check --repair /dev/sdaX.

Dne Wed, 27 Feb 2013 14:25:13 +0100 Josef Bacik <jba...@fusionio.com> napsal(a):

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 06:20:16AM -0700, Daniel Kozák wrote:

On my both machine I have ArchLinux with recent kernel 3.8.0 btrfs as a
filesystem (with lzo compression). When I try use Apache derby (create
database), I almost every time get this kernel oops:

Sweet somebody else is hitting this and I haven't been able to reproduce. Can
you give me the exact commands you run so I can try and reproduce myself?


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