On 2013/02/14 12:15 PM, Vedant Kumar wrote:

I'm experiencing periodic write spikes while my system is idle.


turned out to be some systemd log in
/var/log/journal. I turned off journald and rebooted, but the write spike
behavior remained.


I believe btrfs syncs every 30 seconds (if anything's changed).

This sounds like systemd's journal is not actually disabled and that it is simply logging new information every few seconds and forcing it to be synced to disk. Have you tried following the journal as root to see what is being logged?
journalctl -f

Alternatively, as another measure to troubleshoot, in /etc/systemd/journald.conf, change the Storage= option either to "none" (which disables logging completely) or to a path inside a tmpfs, thereby eliminating btrfs' involvement.

Brendan Hide

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