I just setup a new SSD with my laptop root filesystem, and at the time I
though, "eh, I'll just use zlib compression during the first copy, and then
switch to lzo afterwards to maintain write speed when I'm using the laptop
after the copy and reboot".

Now, I rebooted with the new ssd and zlib compressed rootfs, and it seemed
to boot slower than it did before with the same root files on btrfs lzo.

My mount options are back to lzo:
/dev/mapper/cryptroot / btrfs rw,noatime,compress=lzo,nossd,discard,space_cache 
0 0

Is my feeling of slower boot wrong, or is zlib also noticeably slower than
lzo to read and decompress?

And separately, back a while ago, I read in multiple places that 'nossd'
actually worked better than 'ssd'. This was over a year ago now.

What's the current consensus on ssd and nosdd?
Am I correct that it mostly affects how data is layed out at write time by
Should I go back to trying ssd instead of nossd?

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