On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 1:54 AM, Joeri Vanthienen
<m...@joerivanthienen.be> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question about replacing a drive in raid10 (and linux kernel 3.8.4).
> A bad disk was physical removed from the server. After this a new disk
> was added with "btrfs device add /dev/sdg /btrfs" to the raid10 btrfs
> FS.
> After this the server was rebooted and I mounted the filesystem in
> degraded mode. It seems that a previous started balance continued.
> At this point I want to remove the missing device from the pooI (btrfs
> device delete missing /btrfs). Is this safe to do ?


> The disk usage numbers look weird to me, also the limited amount of
> data written to the new disk after the balance.

You're not actually looking at the data on the disk, but the size of
the block groups allocated on that disk.  I expect the data got spread
across all of the remaining disks, including the new one.

Probably worth running a scrub anyway though.
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