On Wed, 1 May 2013, dima <dole...@parallels.com> wrote:
> > If I want to manage a complete disk with btrfs, what's the "Best
> > Practice"? Would it be best to create the btrfs filesystem on
> > "/dev/sdb", or would it be better to create just one partition from
> > start to end and then do "mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb1"?
> > 
> > Would the same recomendation hold true, if we're talking about huge
> > disks, like 4TB or so?

My biggest BTRFS array is a RAID-1 of 2*3TB disks.  The system in question 
boots from an Intel SSD so I have no need of boot support on the hard disks.

> (NB: grub will not boot from "/dev/sdb", selinux will)

Not sure what you mean here, but SE Linux isn't a boot loader.  Did you mean 
syslinux?  That's a boot loader but I don't know if it works in such a 

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