On 07/21/2013 03:01 PM, Duncan wrote:
Chris Murphy posted on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:20:48 -0600 as excerpted:

On Jul 21, 2013, at 4:38 AM, Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> wrote:
What I'd suggest is to turn on the btrfs autodefrag mount option, and
to do it *BEFORE* you start installing stuff on the filesystem.
Is there a good reason why autodefrag is not a default mount option?
Well, there's the obvious, that btrfs is still in development, lacking
such things as the ability to set such options by default using btrfs-
tune, and likely with the question of what should be the defaults still
unresolved for many cases.

Autodefrag can also negatively affect performance especially if it's not
on from the beginning, AND at least at one point earlier in btrfs
evolution (I'm not sure if it's fixed now or not), the performance for
very large and often written into files such as virtual-machine images
and large databases was bad, since it could mean constantly rewriting
entire large files instead of just the smaller changing pieces of them,
thereby being a performance killer for that type of job load.

  I believe
it's a known issue that a number of distro installers (what arch does
I'm not sure) tend to fragment their files pretty badly right off the
bat if you let them.  This would happen if they write data into an
existing file, perhaps because they install a package and then
customize the config files, or if they don't write whole files at once.
  And a lot of btrfs installs don't turn on the autodefrag option when
they do thet first auto-
mount to install stuff.
Some installer teams are understandably reluctant to use non-default
mount options.
It's worth keeping in mind the bigger picture, tho, that in the case of
btrfs they're using a still in development filesystem (even if it's not
the default, the fact that so few people come here unaware of the wiki or
btrfs status as a development filesystem IMO indicates that installers
aren't including the warnings about making such even non-default choices
that they arguably should be including) where all recommendations are to
be ready for loss of data should it occur, as it's a definitely more
likely possibility than it should be with a stable filesystem.  With that
in mind, playing with non-default mount options seems rather trivial by

Still, the previously mentioned constantly written large vm/db file use-
case is a big one these days, and with the general purpose installation
often not having dedicated partitions for such things (btrfs subvolumes
don't yet allow per-subvolume setting of such options)...

But for the generally much different use-case of a system volume where
all the system binaries and config is stored, autodefrag makes a lot of
sense to enable by default.

Or installers could simply be better about not writing into existing
files in the installation in the first place, so people could turn it on
right after installation and not have to worry about existing
fragmentation.  But... installing to btrfs is really a reasonably new
situation, and I'd guess "best practices" are still evolving just as the
filesystem itself is.

Duncan, First of all, thanks so much for the great explanation. It really answers a LOT of questions as to the whole fragmentation issue and covers a lot of bases. And I totally agree with some of your thoughts regarding the still beta status of btrfs and its effect on support and documentation, etc. But I think the only unanswered question for me at this point is whether complete defragmentation is even possible using auto-defrag. Unless auto-defrag can work around the in-use file issue, that could be a problem since some heavily used system files are open virtually all the time the system is up and running. Has this issue been investigated and if so are there any system files that don't get defragmented that matter? Or is this a non-issue in that any constantly in use system files don't really matter anyway? That is really the only question I have before moving away from my current offline approach to the auto-defrag mount option for system filesystems (/, /boot, /usr, /opt, /var, etc).
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