Josef Bacik posted on Mon, 12 Aug 2013 15:39:35 -0400 as excerpted:

> Fix this by adding a check to see if our default subvol points to the
> subvol we are trying to delete, and if it does not allowing it to
> happen.

Umm... not to be a grammar policeman, but...

That last sub-sentence REALLY (!!) needs another comma:

... and if it does, not allowing it to happen.


... and if it does not, allowing it to happen.

The way it is now ends up triggering for the reader a serious logical 
train wreck, as "does not" and "not allowing" both "want" to be parsed 
together, but "does not allowing" derails the whole thing and the reader 
must start over, taking it more slowly this time, trying to figure out 
where the parsing derailed the first time through and what was actually 

(FWIW, being a feed subscriber and regular reader, I see 
instances of this sort of logical train wreck, as it's frequently 
analogized, feature there regularly.  Linguists know it as an interesting 
quirk of the English language both created and spotted regularly by 
experts and novices alike, sometimes with rather amusing consequences!)

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