This is just a comment from someone following all of this from the sidelines.

And that is that I see so much going on here with this procedure that is scares me. Once a single operation reaches a certain degree of complexity I get really scared because all it takes is a single misstep and my data is gone. And that happens so easily as complexity increases and confusion tends to set in. In this particular situation, my solution would probably have been to create a new btrfs partition from scratch on the new drive and simply mount the source partition/drive ro and rsync the data across to the target partition/drive rather than trying to do the btrfs replace operation. That way I could have verified the target drive before erasing the source drive and I would not have had to worry about partition sizes, encryption, etc.

That said, I am certainly thankful that this was backup data and not working data. But I think it serves as a cautionary tale as to not assuming that something should be done just because it theoretically can be done. I am not really familiar with btrfs replace but would imagine that it is intended for use more in a raid situation than in simply moving data from one drive to another.

On 08/18/2013 05:42 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Aug 18, 2013, at 4:35 PM, Stuart Pook <> wrote:
You first shrank a 2TB btrfs file system on dmcrypt device to 590GB.
But then you didn't resize the dm device or the partition?
no, I had no need to resize the dm device or partition.
OK well it's unusual to resize a file system and then not resize the containing 
block device. I don't know if Btrfs cares about this or not.

I ran a badblocks scan on the raw device (not the luks device) and didn't get 
any errors.
badblocks will depend on the drive determining a persistent read failure with a 
sector, and timing out before the SCSI block layer times out. Since the linux 
SCSI driver time out is 30 seconds, and most consumer drive ECT is 120 seconds, 
the bus is reset before the drive has a chance to report a bad sector. So I 
think you're better off using smartctl -l long tests to find bad sectors on a 

Further a smartctl -x may show SATA Phy Event Counters, which should have 0's 
or very low numbers and if not then that's also an indicator of hardware 

The data was written to the WD-Blue (640Gb) disk and then copied off it.  The 
only errors I saw concerned the WB-Blue.  If the errors were data corruption on 
writing or reading the WD-Blue then I would have thought that the checksums 
would have told me that there was something wrong.  btrfs didn't give me an IO 
error until I started to read the files when the data was on a final disk.
How does Btrfs know there's been a failure during write if the hardware hasn't 
detected it? Btrfs doesn't re-read everything it just wrote to the drive to 
confirm it was written correctly. It assumes it was unless there's a hardware 
error. It wouldn't know this until a Btrfs scrub is done on the written drive.

What I can't tell you is how Btrfs behaves and if it behaves correctly, when 
writing data to hardware having transient errors. I don't know what it does 
when the hardware reports the error, but presumably if the hardware doesn't 
report an error Btrfs can't do anything about that except on the next read or 

Just to be clear. This is the series of btrfs replace I did:

backups : HD204UI -> WD-Blue
/mnt : WD-Black -> HD204UI
backups : WD-Blue -> WD-Black

I guess that my backups were corrupted was they were written to or read from 
the WD-Blue. Wouldn't the checksums have detected this problem before the data 
was written to the WD-Black?
When you first encountered the btrfs reported csum errors, what operation was 

There's only so much software can do to overcome blatant hardware problems.
I was hoping to be informed of them
Well you were informed of them in dmesg, by virtue of the controller having 
problems talking to a SATA rev 2 drive at rev 2 speed, with a negotiated 
fallback to rev 1 speed.
But, it seems unlikely such a high percent of errors would go
undetected to result in so many uncorrectable errors, so there may be
user error here along with a bug.
I'm not sure how I could have done it better. Does "btrfs replace" check that 
the data is correctly written to the new disk before it is removed from the old disk?
That's a valid question. Hopefully someone more knowledgable can answer what 
the expected error handling behavior is supposed to be.

  Should I have used the 2 disks to make a RAID-1 and then done a scrub before 
removing the old disk?
Good question. Possibly it's best practices to use btrfs replace with an 
existing raid1, rather than using it as a way to move a single copy of data 
from one disk to another. I think you'd have been better off using btrfs send 
and receive for this operation.

A full dmesg might also be enlightening even if it is really long. Just put it 
in its own email without comment. I think pasting it out of forum is less 

Chris Murphy--
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