On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 02:17:19PM +0800, Wang Shilong wrote:
> Firstly, we restructure show_qgroups, make it easy to add new features.
> And then we add '-p' '-c', '-l',and '-e' options to print the parent
> qgroup id, child qgroup id, max referenced size and max exclusive size
> of qgroup respectively, add '-F' and '-f' option to list qgroups that
> impact the given path.

Well done! I really like it.

Minor comments:

* -l sounds less intuitive, I suggest to use -r as for
  'referenced', given that there is -e for 'exclusive'.

* the size should be pretty-printed by default or in bytes if a
  commandline option is given

* in the long term, the tabular output would be much better as
  default, and the current terse output available via commandline option
  for batch processing

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