On 04/10/13 19:32, Duncan wrote:
> Martin posted on Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:47:19 +0100 as "condensed":
>> There's ad-hoc comment for various commands to recover from filesystem
>> errors.
>> But what do they actually do and when should what command be used?
>> What do they do exactly and what are the indicators to try using them?
>> Or when should you 'give up' on a filsystem and just retrieve whatever
>> data can be read and start again?
>> All that lot sounds good for a wiki page ;-)
> I recognize your name so you're a regular poster and may well have seen

Hail fellow Gentoo-er ;-)

This is a prod from the thread:


> this recover steps/order post from Hugo Mills, but you didn't mention it, 
> so...
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.btrfs/27999
> As you suggest, that should really go in the wiki (maybe it's there 
> already since that post, I haven't actually checked recently, but your 
> post reads as if you looked and couldn't find a recovery list of this 
> nature), but I've not gotten around to creating an account for myself 
> there yet and committing it, and if no one else has either...
> But I do have it bookmarked for posting here, and for the day I do create 
> myself that wiki account, if no one else has gotten to it by then...
> And while that answers what and what order, it doesn't cover what the 
> commands actually do or why you'd /use/ that order, and that'd be very 
> good to add as well.


I'm using this as a bit of a test case as to how best to recover from
whatever inevitable hiccups.

All the more important to gain a good understanding before doing similar
things to 16TB arrays...

Comment/advice welcomed (please).


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