A következőt írtad ekkor: 2013. december 6. 14:04:19
> Could you please try the following and show me the output of dmesg?
> thanks,
> -liubo

The following happened:
- I upgraded to 3.13.0-rc2-6.ge7c00d8 (since the original 3.12 kernel with 
SUSE patches is not available anymore)
- Patched it and booted from that, compiled the NVIDIA driver
- and suddenly everything started to work fine. Now I don't have to wait 6 
minutes for the [btrfs-ino-cache] process.

One thing I noticed: before any logging would start, kernel prints out some 
(initramfs?) messages, like:
"Waiting for device /dev/disk/... to appear
fsck succeeded Mounting root read-write
Mounting root /dev/disk/...
mount -o rw,compress=lzo,space_cache,noatime,inode_cache /dev/... /root"

And logging starts from this point.

The interesting point is the initramfs mounting options: with the stock 3.12 
kernel I had only the following: rw,compress=lzo,space_cache. But now it's 
rw,compress=lzo,space_cache,noatime,inode_cache. In /etc/fstab the options are 
intact for a month now. Maybe I should have regenerated the initrd when I 
added the fstab mount options noatime and inode_cache?

I searched for your extra kernel messages in dmesg, but I didn't find them, 
although here is the dmesg output: http://paste.opensuse.org/30797527

Thank you,

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