On Wed, 2013-12-18 at 18:17 +0100, eb wrote:
> I've recently setup a system (Kernel 3.12.5-1-ARCH) which is layered as 
> follows:
> /dev/sdb3 - cache0 (80 GB Intel SSD)
> /dev/sdc1 - backing device (2 TB WD HDD)
> sdb3+sdc1 => /dev/bcache0
> On /dev/bcache0, there's a btrfs filesystem with 2 subvolumes, mounted
> as / and /home. What's been bothering me are the following entries in
> my kernel log:
> [13811.845540] incomplete page write in btrfs with offset 1536 and length 2560
> [13870.326639] incomplete page write in btrfs with offset 3072 and length 1024
> The offset/length values are always either 1536/2560 or 3072/1024,
> they sum up nicely to 4K. There are 607 of those in there as I am
> writing this, the machine has been up 18 hours and been under no
> particular I/O strain (it's a desktop).

Btrfs shouldn't be setting the offset on the bios.  Are you able to add
a WARN_ON to the message that prints this so we can see the stack trace?

Could you please cc the bcache and btrfs list together?


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