On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Kai Krakow <hurikhan77+bt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Duncan <1i5t5.dun...@cox.net> schrieb:
>>> Ah okay, that makes it clear. So, actually, in the snapshot the file is
>>> still nocow - just for the exception that blocks being written to become
>>> unshared and relocated. This may introduce a lot of fragmentation but it
>>> won't become worse when rewriting the same blocks over and over again.
>> That also explains the report of a NOCOW VM-image still triggering the
>> snapshot-aware-defrag-related pathology.  It was a _heavily_ auto-
>> snapshotted btrfs (thousands of snapshots, something like every 30
>> seconds or more frequent, without thinning them down right away), and the
>> continuing VM writes would nearly guarantee that many of those snapshots
>> had unique blocks, so the effect was nearly as bad as if it wasn't NOCOW
>> at all!
> The question here is: Does it really make sense to create such snapshots of
> disk images currently online and running a system. They will probably be
> broken anyway after rollback - or at least I'd not fully trust the contents.
> VM images should not be part of a subvolume of which snapshots are taken at
> a regular and short interval. The problem will go away if you follow this
> rule.
> The same applies to probably any kind of file which you make nocow - e.g.
> database files. Most of those file implement their own way of transaction
> protection or COW system, e.g. look at InnoDB files. Neither they gain
> anything from using IO schedulers (because InnoDB internally does block
> sorting and prioritizing and knows better, doing otherwise even hurts
> performance), nor they gain from file system semantics like COW (because it
> does its own transactions and atomic updates and probably can do better for
> its use case). Similar applies to disk images (imagine ZFS, NTFS, ReFS, or
> btrfs images on btrfs). Snapshots can only do harm here (the only
> "protection" use case would be to have a backup, but snapshots are no
> backups), and COW will probably hurt performance a lot. The only use case is
> taking _controlled_ snapshots - and doing it all 30 seconds is by all means
> NOT controlled, it's completely undeterministic.

If the database/virtual machine/whatever is crash safe, then the
atomic state that a snapshot grabs will be useful.
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