That is FANTASTIC news.  Thank you for wielding the LART gently. =)

I do a fair amount of public speaking and writing about next-gen filesystems (example: and I will be VERY sure to talk about the upcoming divorce of stripe size from array size in future presentations. This makes me positively giddy.

FWIW, after writing the above article I got contacted by a proprietary storage vendor who wanted to tell me all about his midmarket/enterprise product, and he was pretty audibly flummoxed when I explained how btrfs-RAID1 distributes data and redundancy - his product does something similar (to be fair, his product also does a lot of other things btrfs doesn't inherently do, like clustered storage and synchronous dedup), and he had no idea that anything freely available did anything vaguely like it.

I have a feeling the storage world - even the relatively well-informed part of it that's aware of ZFS - has little to no inclination how gigantic of a splash btrfs is going to make when it truly hits the mainstream.

This could be a pretty powerful setup IMO - if you implemented
something like this, you'd be able to arbitrarily define your
storage efficiency (percentage of parity blocks / data blocks) and
your fault-tolerance level (how many drives you can afford to lose
before failure) WITHOUT tying it directly to your underlying disks,
or necessarily needing to rebalance as you add more disks to the
array.  This would be a heck of a lot more flexible than ZFS'
approach of adding more immutable vdevs.

Please feel free to tell me why I'm dumb for either 1. not realizing
the obvious flaw in this idea or 2. not realizing it's already being
worked on in exactly this fashion. =)
    The latter. :)

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