Am Sonntag, 23. März 2014, 15:51:34 schrieben Sie:
> I was expecting either a speed improvement after rebalance, or no
> noticeable  effect, but I am extremely disappointed to see that now (and
> after having rebooted), my system has become slow like hell, takes at least
> 10x longer to boot and operate, to the point it has become hardly usable
> I would have thought a rebalance would have improved the filesystem 
> organization, looks like it's the absolute contrary

I also found this to be the case as I rebalanced the root filesystem of my 
Debian installation on this ThinkPad T520 on an Intel SSD 320.

It doubled the boot time that systemd-analayze rebootet back then.

apt-get dist-upgrade was noticably slower to.

Thus I avoid balance unless I really need it.

For migrating of /home to BTRFS RAID 1 on Intel SSD 320 + Crucial mSATA M500 
SSD I did a balance to switch to RAID 1. Probably /home would be faster 
recreating it from scratch and restoring from backup tough.

Especially MySQL based Akonadi seems to be slower than with /home on a single 
SSD, but that might also be due to that amount of mails in Linux kernel-ml 
folder raising to a high amount (and inefficiencies in Akonadi).

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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