On 2014/05/11 11:52 AM, Russell Coker wrote:
On Sun, 11 May 2014, Russell Coker <russ...@coker.com.au> wrote:
Below is the output of running a balance a few times on a 120G SSD.
Sorry forgot to mention that's kernel 3.14.1 Debian package.

Please send the output of the two following command:
btrfs fi df /

This will give more information on your current chunk situation. I suspect this is a case where a system chunk (which is included when specifying metadata) that is not actually being relocated. This is a bug that I believe was already fixed, though I'm not sure in which version.

The pathological case is where you have a chunk that is 1% full and *every* other in-use chunk on the device is 100% full. In that situation, a balance will simply move that data into a new chunk (which will only ever reach 1% full). Thus, all subsequent balances will relocate that same data again to another new chunk.

Brendan Hide

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