On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:36:03PM +0800, Scott Middleton wrote:
> I read so much about BtrFS that I mistaked Bedup with Duperemove.
> Duperemove is actually what I am testing.

I'm currently using programs that find files that are the same, and
hardlink them together:

hardlink.py actually seems to be the faster (memory and CPU) one event
though it's in python.
I can get others to run out of RAM on my 8GB server easily :(

Bedup should be better, but last I tried I couldn't get it to work.
It's been updated since then, I just haven't had the chance to try it
again since then.

Please post what you find out, or if you have a hardlink maker that's
better than the ones I found :)

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