On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Le Nguyen Tran <lntran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Nguyen. I am not a software development engineer but an IC (chip)
> development engineer. I have a plan to develop an IC controller for
> Network Attached Storage (NAS). The main idea is converting software
> code into hardware implementation. Because the chip is customized for
> NAS, its performance is high, and its cost is lower than using micro
> processor like Atom or Xeon (for servers).
> I plan to use btrfs as the file system specification for my NAS. The
> main point is that I need to understand the btrfs sofware code in
> order to covert them into hardware implementation. I am wandering if
> any of you can help me. If we can make the chip in a good shape, we
> can start up a company and have our own business.

I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

AFAIK btrfs depends a lot on other linux subsystems (e.g. vfs, block,
etc). Rather than converting/reimplementing everything, if your aim is
lower cost, you might have easier time using something like a mediatek
SOC (the ones used on smartphones) and run a custom-built linux with
btrfs support on it.

For documentation,
is probably the best place to start

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