As a followup on the discussion we had on how to do a live data switch
on a partition without unmounting it since it's busy, it came back to
how do you know what changed between 2 snapshots.

btrfs send giving a file list of what was added/modified/removed is the
long term answer, and Filipe is working on patches that will offer this
in the future (thanks Filipe).

In the meantime, I found a hack/script that gives a partial diff between
2 snapshots, called it btrfs-diff but then remembered that there isn't a
page for it.

So, I made one, along with example usage:

Hope this helps.

As another temp hack, I tried to look at a quick way to parse btrfs send
output to just spit out filenames, but that wasn't too trivial (as in
with sed/perl).

If someone has something better, please share :)

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